Allow secret skill to be toggled on/off

I think there should be an option in the game where you can turn a monster’s secret skill on and off because adding an extra 3 cost is really annoying and sometimes I need more cost and would rather trade the secret skill for more cost. If you’re spending 500,000 silver and an ocarino + another rare ingredient for a secret skill, then I think you should at least have the option of turning it on/off.

+1 for that :wink: also make possible to remove bonus potions

This, please.

Especially because buffing/ nerfing/ introducing counters… Sometimes a monster is really great, so you decide it’s worth the extra cost. Juste when you add secret skill, he gets a nerf or gets a hard counter available for everyone. Then you’d wish you didn’t add the extra cost.

Even a possibility to de- evolve all monsters would be great.

I’d even like to remove a potion or two on some of my monsters. But I’ve been regretting my ss on chrome since I did it. 16 is so high for a little accelerate

This is exactly the kind of one I’d love to switch on and off. It’s a nice boost to the monster but for +3 cost is not as good as others. I’d love to have it on if my team cost allows it but no way am I adding it permanently because Chromo makes a great 13 cost legendary without it.

Similarly my Aurodragon is an amazing monster and the secret skill is Instant Switch Teammate… an excellent one for the way the monster works. However, the main use of Aurodragon is the reincarnation passive and I would rather keep the monster at 13 cost where I can more easily fit it into a team than make it 15 and risk having to bench it sometimes when I’d like it.

Obviously the higher costs are shown upfront so there’s nothing horrible about the design but without foreseeing future strategies we will use or whether that monster will get too many good counters coming we can never truly know whether it is worth adding the secret skill.

A function to toggle secret skills would be incredible. Better still would be the ability to de-volve any ultra evolve (except Chronozeros). However, I can understand why the Devs may not want to introduce de-volving… it doesn’t quite fit the design of the game despite the earlier forms of monsters actually being better in some cases (like the DR duplicating legendaries).

You guys are asking too much. Give them a break

It’s actually really simple to add a function for toggling SS on and off.

You actually don’t know how the code works. So it could actually be really complex.

Actaully monsters with ss are treated as new monsters so I don’t think it would be as easy as you claim

Pred well done mate and you are correct it’s affecting me as can’t play raizen and geo in same team due to high costs.
However I understand coding etc may take a while but it’s an idea that can be brought forth.
I think people deserve the option of switching it on or off. Whether it can be done or not I’m not sure.
Nonetheless it’s a good idea.

I don’t mean for this to sound mean but people really have to think before they go unlocking every skill and evolving every se
And yes you can’t just fill your team with ss legends so be selective of who you use and what you unlock

But there should be atleast a knob you can ajust how many pots you want to use. Really annoying to get dupes and suddenly they are too fast for your fl, mostly.

Edit: Example: if you have a +3-5 stratustrike, it outspeeds +9 chronotitan. so that combo wont work anymore then. Instead you can choose to use between +0 and +5

My +6 doom has its TU all screwed up from dupes. I have to blood clone, stealth, and THAN skip before I can detonate. If I could take away pots and give them to someone else, or even “turn them down” that would be a godsend

Z19 GaryOak

Not much thought was put into the dupe/pot system.

I agree. You all have points. This will be a big chance for our monster system so we can’t guarantee how soon we can introduce toggle function for secret skill. Instead we will be working on an alternative way to tackle this issue, faster and more steady.

For the legend potions, we are fully aware of it and have been working on it.

Thank you for the excellent feedback and suggestion as always.

Instead of treating each account as a giant monster list with certain monsters being flagged as unlocked, treat it as a list of only monsters unlocked, then when a person unlocks a monster, just add it to the list/array/dict that represents their account or whatever you use to keep track of the monsters. 

Then instead of having to search for the monster with the secret skill locked, then you just add the locked one and remove the unlocked one.

A lot easier if you make it object oriented as well. Then you just give each one a toggle for on/off. That’s the direction I would take an internal rework. Because then instead of being forced to keep giant tables of interactions each move can just check the monster for a certain flag or move.

New programming project for me: make an object-oriented text-based neo monsters. Should be fun.

How many Epic potions would you trade for a Zib or a Motor?

Z19 GaryOak

Thanks VKC but honestly best way to combat this is stop legend dupes altogether and just offer a legend potion and so we get to have control and choice what we use it on. It numbs the pain of not getting a new legend.

You are just describing what exactly the current game is! Zard, please stop abusing object-oriented…Please take courses like design pattern, software engineering before making such meaningless statements.

Mike said that he would look into it last time I mentioned it.

Which is a very strong implication that their code takes a long time to tweak for changes.

If it truely was object oriented then balance changes would be really really really easy. Just change a number or two, swap out a few names, and test.

Mike also said their code wasn’t modular. Which is a huge problem time wise.