Your favorite "underrated" monsters

I’ve also seen people use Chronox. He does great damage with Faststrike, 1 shots most SE.

I may be wrong, but i feel like Lionheart is criminally underrated. In PVP, i pair him with Drakozord Z, and it takes a while till Lionheart gets killed, plus he can rebirth himself as a mythic. Oneshots heaps.

Tezcatlipoca, he’s a perfect way to distract the enemy and can set up poison/detox monsters if it gets killed

Galvbane is certainly overrated now :wink: Flocco just HGs it every time. I think the following are underrated which I like using

Recently wraithhost
Not sure if they’re underrated but Definitely Utopian and Hellfox too.

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I would say Ultimadragon, but that guy has Death Revenge… I guess Raizen is a bit underrated