You can use any monster, twice in the same team. Who do you choose?

As inspired by another thread, if you have 2 of the same monster in your arsenal who would you choose? Don’t just choose something OP, think strategic :wink:

Aurodragon easy choice


Aurodragon or Angelion

2 Delugazars (did this against someone in PvP and it was complete mayhem) or 2 Draguluses.

Or if I want to be annoying: 2 Staticspheres

Two Tortegeist

Potentially 4 enemy monsters lol

Two grovos so the game stops working and says “wait… that’s illegal”


Two nabas definitely

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Two doodoos

Excellent choice :joy:

2 Auros. Pair them with a DR or Revan and bye bye.

Heck give yourself an Atra to revive the 2 auros and you’ve probably just won right there.

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But a monster that’s been revived cannot be revived again usually

But 2 auros simultaneously could revive 2 copies of a dead DR.

And then the Atra could revive the Auro and pick up copies of another DR cloner or ankou.

When I babysat Strikers account I had atra revive auro around revan and ankou clones and good lord it became hilarious. With little effort i would have 5 or 6 revans and revan eggs and a boatload of ankous and DRCs

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I don’t think it’s possible to kill 2 auros simultaneously without them reviving one another

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Also this lol. Then theres an auro in the presence of the clone chain at the end game.

Ya thats GG right there

Then they show you the Scorpion at the end of there team and its cry time bc everything dies with auto poison

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That is another reason why oak end game is :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Yeah they’d revive each other, but surely you wouldn’t get two copies of everything else? Because they can only be revived once?

Bloom has entered the chat.

You’d choose bloom?