Who to give my epic and super epic pots

I am lost what monster is the best to give my pots. I thought of super epic gearwolf and zephy. Should i go plus 9? And what kind of epic monsters should i choose? Thank you for your time.

I am lost what monster is the best to give my pots. I thought of super epic gearwolf and zephy. Should i go plus 9? And what kind of epic monsters should i choose? Thank you for your time.

Well it is said that the four super epic starters will turn into a legendary. My thought is this, epic potions are easier to get, so as you evolve into the super epic spread the epic potions among the four starters. (Say you have 8, that’s 2 for each and when you evolve it you’ll have a plus two super epic. It takes the lowest bonus so be equal with it.) Next I add super epic potions among the 4 super epics (I have two so far but you get the idea) this way I will eventually have a +6-7 Legendary monster.

You could also just use the epic potion section of the starters as epics are mostly useless anyway, and use your super epic potions on something else. If you do it right you should still get a +1 or +2 legend just from epic potions. Other than that you wanna use them on monsters you use with high TU moves to get the most benefit. Team turn take no TU so it really won’t do much for you there.

Ok thank you for the advice. I will do tat then
Ok thank you for the advice. I will do tat then

Just wondering if you could clarify this as I’m sort of stuck in the same boat.  If I have a Galvboss and I use 7 epic potions on him, than when it evolves will Galvbane have +7 too?  Than when it evolves to s legendaru would that +7 be carried forward? Actually just read your post and noticed that it says the lowest bonus so now I understand.