Who is excited for more story

I am so excited to have the story finally move along. I really like the story. What about the rest of you.

Raises hand.

Like it a lot.

Yeah I do as well. Emsara is a babe

I really like the story too ^^

Lol. You should do a video on her then!

More story is a huge deal! Hoping for another few hours worth of content eg another island. Personally glad to see the Devs have kept this as one of the priorities instead of pushing it back in favour of events & pvp.

The cool part is all new players are going to have a much bigger story than the original users right from the start. The game is getting pretty deep in content with both online and offline missions and quests.

Yes probably my favorite part of the game.

Looks like you don’t actually get to fight with your team. . .

Well there’s two fights on the first one

Everyone is two fights. Stuck on the beritus fight atm

Huh, interesting.

The torus fight is a massive pita. Its your fire team vs their sleep water team. All your mons also have half speed.

Front lineup of 3rd fight with your team against is:

Aegisblade + Lavaronix + Goldtail lol

Looks like they picked up on our PvP strats.

4th battle against you lineup:

















Just passed the Beritus fight! I’ve found leogeist to be seriously annoying so far bc 3 of my 5 legendaries are shocking entrances. 

I’m playing this super slow don’t want it to end

I rushed. Alreay finished :smiley:

How many episodes were added? 

If I remember right, there was 8, maybe 9. Just rushed and didn’t realized that it did end :smiley:

Battle I’m up to all they did was put every single death revenge Monster in the game in it. Basically just threw anything together and made the most annoying team possible