What's your favorite/best Legendary you Own?

Title says it all. Not who is your favorite out of the entirety, just your favorite/best Legendary mon you own in your opinion? Tier lists aside, it’s simply a matter of personal preference. I’m curious to see peoples opinions.

For me its Sobeking hands down. This mon has saved me and pulled my butt out of the fire so many times I cant count. Every team I build he goes in as a no brainer. Tranquilizing Entrance is fantastic with Charge Slayerbane/Dreamhunt backing him up, both Divine Rage and his SS being able to go through Shield +Hold Ground while one shotting a vast majority of mons and setting himself up to come and do it again, Sobeking by far is my favorite/best Legend I have.

Who is yours???




Mine would probably be Wraithcaptain, Tenebris or Novadrake, in terms of single-handedly turning around and winning games more than anything else.

In Showdown Tower just this last week I made a team that only lost twice while going through until 100 win streak, once to a horrible link water team that got lucky with protector RNG and once to Okkult (who I beat second try). The team was built as a raw team with stun counter and the idea was I’d charge all their raw sweeping moves to annihilate the enemy team quickly. I found getting kills with Novadrake was the key to success. I’d charge his raw bloodthirst first, then use that 43TU sweeping to charge all the others by putting things to HG. Novadrake has been incredible in so many teams I’ve made.

Tenebris just cheeses so much of PvE and Wraithcaptain is a sleep lock king/queen that takes over in both PvE and PvP given any chance at all and sometimes just with a good dreamy entrance.

In terms of raw power… it has to still be Angelion. It’s hard to beat stun counter + raw bloodfury for protecting your team and getting you through battles. In PvP it’s not quite so dominating as it was in the past but in PvE it’s still insane.

If I had Scorpiogeist I probably wouldn’t mention any of the others.

Revernarchion easy. First legendary and once it gets going it shreds teams I’d have no business of beating, and when it dies there’s a chance it’ll come back and keep it going again lol its clutched out so many wins for me I wouldn’t know what I’d do without it, when rng hits you in the mouth its the perfect equalizer for me


I gotta go with Cyclozar. Nobody radiates stronger “not putting up with your bull****” energy, and that’s what I love; just being able to put a stop to whatever cheeky shenanigans the opponent has in store. He has an incredibly vast list of options to choose from, the odds of being completely safe from him are super low. And his fast speed is a huge help in ensuring that he’ll likely get at least something done. All that with the simplest 4-7 star moveset in the entire game, deserves some real respect imo. And in the event that he does run out of options, or needs to let someone else in in a hurry, he can just dip with his SS and avoid being a deadweight, which is what often makes things like shadowyrm and chromera such a liability.

And functionality aside, his design is super badass, and he’s been blessed with one of the few not ridiculous monster names. Because he just wasn’t cool enough already :blush:



The one and only Staticsphere



I love my powerful Tagosenshi. He has good attack and defense, assassinate can easily kill two monsters, its camo is hard to counter, chomera don’t one shot him and sometimes the stealthbane don’t one shot him.

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Definitely Scorpiogeist; one of the most insane monsters the game’s ever created.

I like goldtail which was my first ticket purchase and soulstealer which I actually don’t know how I got lol. I also like omegasdragon even though it kinda sucks bc it was my Hunter Island transfer.

Mine will be the earth camouflage. the one and the only. Emeraldues. this dude here saved my ■■■ many times i lost count. i won against the first one of earth with him. cant touch cool guys like him(her). i still dont the gender.

I love Tago too. My first ever top 10 team was a Tago FL. pretty sure chrome one shots him though

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Angelion :heart_eyes:

Agelion & Warth captain

The Godfeather, He has the nostalgia vibe for me.


My Penguinator, he saved me so many times since I got him during anniversary. Striking through four monsters in one go is helping me a lot. He turned the tables in some Pvp games alone. I van definitely understand why all my enemies attack him as soon as he enters. If he gets a turn he is insane. His only dangers are the low speed, poison and piercing. Plus I love his design, he looks so badass with that hat and cigarette.

No, chromera one shot scorpio, but not tago


It definitely does one-shot Tagosenshi. Toxic killer should do roughly 4900 damage to Tago.

Toxic killer on Scorpio doesn’t kill it. However, chrono killer does roughly 3650 damage so it can kill it a little under half the time.

@NMEGaryOak Can’t believe I forgot about Aurodragon!