What did u got from the spring egg?

Only @NMEGaryOak can answer that

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Does it involve his hidden skill

Insane roll!

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Now thatā€™s one crazy pack.

Just need one more pack to awaken my Simuronix. Unfortunately, have run out of my saved gems.


Wow, this is the fastest thumb Iā€™ve ever received. Quite like the same time that I posted.

Waitā€¦what!!! I have never seen that kind of luck,your luch its insane

Oh no I got real lucky because his game loves to kick me in the teeth when it comes to this kind of stuff

Just cause of simuronix, i would love to awaken that beast, but i need to find it other 7 times, impossible

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Congrats. You just need two more to break the record.:joy:

What ISNT special about Apollo @Jarrett_Cox & @ILAGaLOT

Like I literally donā€™t know where to begin.

Letā€™s start with his amazing speed. So many options. Shield an important monster on the first turn. BAM! Want a quick accelerate team? You got it, you can even do both if you want.

Did I mention it has DEATH REVENGE? Aka most people will be too scared to kill it. And when they do, GOTEM, they lose one of their monsters too. You almost have a guaranteed kill just by having Apollo in your team.

Did you see that it has low TU Survivor?! Not only will people be afraid to kill this guy, when they realize survivor is charged and then be screwed. Can you imagine how lethal this guy will be paired with or going against one on one FLs? But wait it gets betterā€¦

He has life flip! Once survivor has your HP down. Be like ā€œlol nopeā€ flip your life and keep wrecking shop. Alternatively, do you have a protector out? Life flip your Apollo from full health to 1 hp to become a deterrent against AOEs! So many possibilities.

If you pair this guy with his homie Taloknight, another common legend, you have a beast shielding combo.

Also, you can pair him with Aurodragon and get clones that can lifeflip himself almost immediately after entering the field!


Please let me know if youā€™d like to hear more combos


Nice haul man I see a potential sleep build

what I got in my rare gem

Plus it has defang

:joy::joy::joy: Creased at the amount of passion. Love it. Also thatā€™s a hell of a roll.

The story of my egg hatches this year so farā€¦
860 gems gained since Christmas

4 packs in Capybaragon egg: Centaureon, the featured least interested in
9 packs in Brynhildr egg: no new legendaries despite having only 1/4 of featured legendaries (got the one I already had twice), Brynhildr twice (useless until awakened)
2 packs in Novemdomina egg: no legendaries
4 packs in Rockoid egg: no legendaries at all

I carefully selected eggs where I had none of the featured (except for Brynhildr), a tactic that in previous years got me lots of great stuff. So far this year Iā€™ve got very little for my gems. I plan to roll on the spring egg and I hope my luck turns around!

Do not worry , your luck is gonna be back this spring. :grin:

Not gonna lie but it feels good when i read f2p players not getting lucky stories lolā€¦ Maybe cuz it happens rarely. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Ok :frowning:

Iā€™ll be honest as well. It feels good when P2W get horrible eggs. Makes me feel like I made the right choice being F2PšŸ˜‹