
5 words: FIX THE TIME LOOP GLITCH!!! Please! It’s so annoying. Always happens at the worst possible moment. This should have been hot fixed the moment it surfaced. It’s totally unacceptable that it’s been going for a MONTH now and nothing has been done. I know an update is planned in September but it’s TOO LONG! And 1 compensation gem is a joke… I’m sorry but I need to vent about this.

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The glitch that’s annoying me at the moment is where you monster is on now, theirs is on 2 seconds. You use a 1 sec move like insta overwatch or shield ally and then suddenly it’s their move!!! :unamused:


It’s probably not something they can hotfix… I know you admitted it’s a rant but be patient. I’m also having to wait ages until I can use my Malwing in PvP again. Malwing was bugged at release, fixed for a while and now bugged again but actually been banned from PvP. Malwing is one of my strongest PvP monsters… kinda bringing my teams down by not having him.

That is unacceptable too… They should pull back the entire monster if it can’t be used.

Yeah, and screw over everyone that paid for it, nice idea.

It’s unfortunate. But if it’s broken, it can’t be released. That is screwing over your customers!

It’s just the secret skill, malwing can still be used in pvp ( without ss ). Taking away a monster that players roll for just because it has a small bug is stupid. The Only time a monster that was ever completely ban from pvp was deathgazer.

This is not the issue of this post… But you are confirming my view of the bigger picture here.

None of this should happen! Broken stuff should not be released in the first place!

Every few days there is a post about time loop. This is not a minor issue!!! Major issues should be fixed rather sooner than later!

On the Malwing topic again we as players are their customers and if you can’t use all the advertised features of a certain monster that is cheating the customer! It’s like buying a TV but 1/4 of the screen is black.

You don’t even know why gazer was ban. Also it’s just a bug of course it will happen. I’ve seen AAA title more buggy than this mobile app. No need to make another pointless topic about this.

  1. Gazer was banned because his passive triggered whenever he entered. Now it’s 250 sec after battle start. Bad example tbh because this was no game crashing bug unlike Malwing case.

  2. State examples of those AAA games.

  3. This topic has a point which should be pretty clear to everyone :wink:

What about those AAA batteries?

If you understand the big picture you should know how common bugs occur or mistakes are made and you’ll have a bit of patience. They gave out a compensation gem and told us when to expect a fix. When an item is out of stock in a super market you don’t expect them to give you a foot massage. Sorry for my tone but you sound like you’re going a bit overboard.

@Guwop Thanks for reminding me it can be used without secret skill. Sadly it doesn’t fit my team properly without it but it’s a very good point.

Any game published by EA

We are very sorry for the issues this bug has caused everyone, however we want to make sure we have completely fixed it before we update it, along with the other bugs, in time for the first PvP season.

It was a very hard bug for us to replicate, however we have implemented a fix on our end and have not seen it since, so we are confident that we have fixed it.

In version 2.0 we completely overhauled a lot of the games code base in order to implement a smoother and more enjoyable PvP system, which unfortunately introduced some bugs, but we hope to continue to reduce the number of bugs introduced from not on whilst fixing current ones.

We are very close to updating now (Will be very early September) so please just wait a little longer whilst we finish up our internal testing!

Thank you everyone for your continued support!


Balance changes coming at all? Or just new pvp?

Just curious.

I like codebase updates.

Thank you for the reply and clarification! This bug has caused me so much frustration, I had to let it out. However I can endure 1 more week.

@Killerdog I had patience for a month, then this bug screwed me over and over again, I lost a lot of time and tickets because of it and after a month I began to feel this is not a minor issue anymore. I don’t expect any foot massage from supermarkets, but products that work/are as intended.

Also any game published by Ubisoft. They are the worst :wink:


One compensation gem doesnt cut screwing us over every other match. Also @Dev_BRD can we expect some balance changes? I want triviathan buff. And please can we get Magatsuoh release. I cant keep myself from pressing roll.

For the record, it happened again.

Man how I even win from that freaking Greldos or whatever so call planet of khante soldiers Queens right hand a Old beared man gold suit
Offline story mode the crash course he is insane help me give me some tricks please.