"To evolve or not to evolve? That is the question..."

Yeah I know, autopoison legendaries are strong enough on 100% to one hit most monsters though so for me the extra 5 cost isn’t worth it for knockback.

You do have to keep in mind the extra 1000 points in stats.

Rolled a new legendary and a couple of new super epics so am now trying to figure out which monsters to ultra evolve.  I’ve got Kamiwyrm so am def evolving him to get stun immunity, however would it be correct to assume that monsters with stunning entrance, heal all (eg Atlanteon), monsters with throw, bloodcrave (eg Snowgun) and monsters with assisted attackes (eg Ouroburn) are probably best left unevolved?

I think it just depends on what you want the specific monster to do. For me, I evolved my throw/blood crave because it goes amazing as my one on one-er with my soul stealer. I also evolved my assisted attackers because for me, the point of them was doing damage then team turning, so the extra stats were well worth it.

Then for those whose stats don’t matter as much such as the stunning entrance heal all, I left them Unevolved.

I think in the end it just depends how you want to use them.

Yeah that’s very true.  I might evolve them later on but atm with the amount of points I have i’ll leave them unevolved.