Thoughts on Halloween "Festival" Egg

I think it’s safe to say that compared to last years anniversary, this one is kinda crap. Our Festival Eggs didnt overlap this year, Halloween Egg is not a Festival Egg, not even many good featured mons in the second Festival Egg, is it just me, or is this moving backwards?




no guarantee,no festival,no gem compensation :unamused:
don’t say it’s all because of the plague


It’s my first anniversary, with all rumors that anniversary is the greatest one of the year I tried to save gems as I could and expected to be amazing. However, disappointed is what I think.


Same for me! Though I had a good anniversary, it was pretty anticlimactic compared to what I was hyped up to.

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It’s kinda hilarious that the anniversary log-in bonus are set for 3 weeks with most of the Gems beeing in 3rd week without a festival egg.
They got me good there, didn’t think they actually dare to pull the special egg Halloween move.

This egg is amazing, but it should have been a festival. They even released 2 new monster, so it’s super weird.

I hope this is a one time thing.

Can you please tell me how many legenday you have and your hero rank please I am curious to know


Can you tell me your hero rank and how many legenday you have please I am curious to know

257 I think, and I have 4 pages worth of legends/mythics.


Are you saying your hero rank is 257 and you have like 96 legenday monsters

I don’t know how many monsters are in a page, but yeah give or take. Why?

I’m pretty disappointed of this egg because its ‘special’

There are 2 page one has 8 monsters in a page and other has 24 monster I am just curious to know how many you have exactly because I am also a F2p I I have 35 legends and 5 mythic

I meant 4 pages in the monster view thing, meaning the 24 monster one. I’ve been playing for a while though.

Hey how do you have 2 mythics awakened are they worth and how problem you faced to get those 2 awakened and how much pack if you know actually

If you can save 1000 gems you can awaken one

Are you pretty sure
