The monster you tried to get for so long but don't have till now

For me

Mythic - Sakura and Sepheris
Legend - Delugazar, Lionheart and Gryphking
Super epic - Volcaiga and blazebones

Da hell u wanted that?

Is there any problem with him.
Actually i like the move ‘natural selection’ and this monster can return as a mythic too.


If field is poisoned then it’s gone

Sakuralisk. Waiting for it’s banner for long time :face_exhaling:

Gorgodrake. I’ve done about 40 packs for it since my last shard. I’ve had 2 copies of it since the first time it ever came out and never been able to get more

Legend-Nova and Doomgoo

Mythic - The last shard of Kunomi has been evading me for a while now.
Legend - Still missing Godfeather, Kamiwyrm, Tiamazus and Nebelronix from the OG legendaries.
Super epic - Mapledragon, G.D. Lime, E.D. Gronn, Rod and Hvit

Right now i have everything i have targeted beside nyx but i only dropped 700 gems on her so i dont think that counts

Mythic- carmilla

Legend- gf jasmine. Need it to complete the gf collection


I know but it’s a good pve monster and i like it’s design too.


I like to get Hu Shin,

on your home computer…

or your work computer…

she can always be with you.

I always wanted Rhinedragon but everytime it appears i have no gems

Myth - christine, need to link water, kirina
Legends- gf violet for that aura, that bird with blowback malwing*

for me its @Haque
I always try to get him but he keeps rejecting my advances


Both gaes :skull_and_crossbones:

You can get nebel from shop…

It’s in the gold egg too so I’d rather get it from there eventually than spend 6 tickets.