🤬 😈 The BM report thread

Plays the most annoying teams and then disconnects when 1 thing doesn’t go to his side


tbh more players have stopped playing because of S-tier and Mythic spam and the ridiculous jump between HR 0-99 to HR 100.

right now variety is actually better than ive seen for a long time though.

No rule said a game should be done in a specific amount of time, maybe you like quick games (so do i ) but then if someone enjoy long games its his choice you cant say that a game shouldnt take 30 minute

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Want a short game? Make it short and end it :metal:

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When you run a duel frontline and lemon midgame but still want to have short games :skull:


oh so there is a topic created for this!
i posted something on pvp section and i guess other people have faced that player too!

faced a guy who kept spamming the charging clone monster thing (sry i dont remember the names after months…) and this guy had really toxic behavior.
has any one of you faced him/her?
and is there any punishment nowadays for these type of players, or is it like months ago and players can bm like then in a new way ?

Hey idi, please don’t let the timer run all the way down and disconnect, it’s not cool. If you’re going to be like that, at least add an ot to the end of your name


This guy was dragging the match unnecessarily first with tricranium then skipped and disconnected.
(He was in the lead btw)

101% pure a55hole
when losing always dc and then rc multiple times and then wait until the last seconds
when winning he wait until the last 1 second (from 90) and then finish me off

That Japanese IG means
「Are you kidding me? Are you paying for this crap game? Lmao」


I don’t think it’s fair that they can use so many characters and us less…


Japanese use Hiragana(e.g. あいうえお), Kantakana(e.g. アイウエオ), Kanji (e.g. 漢字), Romaji … :rofl:


They need less characters to write the same stuff, since their characters are either syllabic or ideograms. We need a balance patch on this VKC

No no why nerf them just buff us so we can also use entire sentences as names too

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Good idea! Can we write like the text boxes in Baba is You @Dev_VKC?

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for people with clan tags there should be like a 4/5 character box separate from the IGN. it would allow players with longer names but it would force the Devs to have to acknowledge clans exist so I’m not sure how viable it is…


My brain after this information :exploding_head::dizzy_face: :joy:

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must be a dev. XD

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We need to stop ToMdeCarton rigth now :rage::rage: