Tenebris/Raven Egg

This is the first special egg that I consider to roll, but with the help of my luck I’m affraid of getting 30 epic dupes out of my 150 saved gems. What do you think should we roll or wait for the most likely anniversary like egg on Easter?

Tenebris is my lovely doom angel, raven is very handy and the new SE seems great.if I had gems,I’d try it.have luck mate
F2P Arash

Just rolled one single egg on my second account that I’ve created after Valentine’s Day, hatched sanctistag there from a single egg, hatched 4 legends from 20eggs during st. Patrick and got now tenebris from the first single egg roll. Tenebris needs Omegamid, vorabook and cryptamid for ultra evolution if someone’s curious. Someday I’ll give this account to some lucky guy :stuck_out_tongue:

He will be luckiest on this game!!! :smiley:
F2P Arash

Keb needs to see this :joy::joy:

Somewhat SE fail, i thought theyll gonna give her for free but it turns out for money sake lol :joy:

Lol,I already sent him the news!!!

She is too good for reward,but the knight seems good too
F2P Arash

Too good for reward = money :joy:
The knight is another DD, if hes speed is same as the usual SE DD hed be awesoDD :smirk:

Like that Knight too…
I just wish he could’ve gotten a desperate bite double…

Hopefully he will have HG for the DD to work

He must have,otherwise over watch is useless.
F2P Arash