Team almost done… But in my head one monster. Doommoth? What monster is that?
He does mean dreadmoth
Okey so i got in final form. But not so surę how to use IT.
It kinda depends upon situation but I generally uses him as payback killer mostly in the midgame (as I don’t prefer gaiawolf), also I know that poison endgame are extremely common so antidote and payback killer perfectly complement each other or else if you are running raw monsters then golden transformation is generally preferred as people generally run stun more cuz sleep is extremely unreliable
do note that sometimes I don’t immediately transform I uses poison touch on hold ground monster who has extremely good revenge(like Lionheart, hazuki) then finish them with non piercing attacks
So it depends if you use him as your 6th or 7th spot transform into golden one as stuns are generally more prevalent or if you have him in endgame crimson moth is better, transform into shadow one only if you don’t have something to reliably kill ap or you sense sleep lock(although uncommon in PvP)
Don’t use him in frontline as it is slow also people generally make their fl immune to stun,sleep, poison killer so you won’t get any potential targets there
Sorry from the the start If I put wrong tags or smth, I just created this acc:) So could someone with more experience help me with my team for PVP? I’m 8 days old in this game. Thank you so much!
If you evolve that white sperm like dragon monster he can solo your story battles haha
And that owl legendary is very good and can help you.
Evolve tengoku and vixenblade they are good as well. Tengoku can steal opponent monsters even buffed ones.
Hallo everyone , I am new to the forum and also kinda new to that lovely game (in fact I played already couple of years ago )
I would love to get some proper help of building team, recently I am evolving my mons just by Chance of when i get them.
The Basics and the Tier Lists are known, but I am incapable
of building a benefitional team
Ps: edited
Maybe you could help me out and Build a proper team for clearing PVE Events
Ty so much
Something went very wrong when u posted the pictures lol. A bunch of the monsters are cropped off the edges and i cant really zoom in because it appears to be one big block lol.
You should evolve horrorclaw and cryptblade as a starting point though.
I can see shivadragon, hanzo, blitzdyr, sacrumega, atrahesis and aurodragon so pve team should be pretty easy to make.
Hello all
I am struggling to find a good team/combination and What monsters i should focus on evolving first. Could you guys help with suggestions?
Thank you very much!
Basically the first line and half of the second , by the way put all your monsters who have training points in one team and train them don’t train only what you need
get urself mantisamurai (he is free) and run him with selene and stag. thats a team
Hello all,can u all suggest which monster to purchase from the 6 star exchange
as you can see i already have 9 tickets this month i will 2 ticket from pvp and 1 from logiiin at first i thought about buying dusy but i have lot of good stun protection,for the pvp as i have seen many people using poseidon so should i buy him since i have antisan and hill or goldtail very good sleep locker or flocculasurus? i almost dont wanna buy atra since he is too slow and beside i have to use a move to do necromancy this is my best team and special rule team
and this are all the monsters i have-
- Kudos to you in not getting waifu mythics with that many strong legends
- Unforttunately, it is going to be between dusi and atra, since dusi is a very powerful stun absorber and shield creator for pvp, and atra for PvE is literally better than any other option.
- You only have two A.S. SE, so poseidon is not a great choice for you.
As for your teams themselves:
They’re gonna need reshuffling. Those aren’t really great.
Here’s some tips
Cyclophina thrives closer to the end, due to a higher concentration of her moves needed for use are there when less monsters in general are active in play and in teams.
Using sleep with both poison and lava entrance defeats the purpose of having sleep.
Thanks for the suggestions.yeah i really need a strong mythic besides i’m only playing for 70 days and now i am saving gems to get good legends and mythics.