Stuck at Download progress screen

I recently restarted my game with a new account, but the online missions and egg hatching is stuck at the download progress screen, i tried reinstalling the game for 2-3 times, still the same issue. How do i fix it? Is it a server issue or anything related to the new update? Also, I do have a good internet connection too, tried that too.

The download progress can sometimes take time, it may seem like its stuck or frozen, but its not, you just need to wait probably a few minutes. I know because Ive had to switch phones constantly which means installing the app a few times.

I tried this, and I lost yet another secondary save to an endless loading screen. This is representative of a pattern. 3 hours, and the bar is in the same place.

Server connection issues are already going on. Devs said they are looking into it

Well after that i waited for some time and reinstalled again, luckily worked fine, but again for some time its now showing “can’t connect to online server”

It may be some problem with your internet connection then, this game really needs hogh speed internet connection.

Yeah, it got resolved i was really hooked and currently became the grand champion and defeated atrahasis, does the game has many more main storyline to come? Or should i now focus on playing online story.
Can anyone help.

The online story is the main story content to do. There are also “other stories” which have storylines but are basically a series of a few battles and then harder versions. Almost everything is contained in the online section and will take time to complete.

Oh okay, i have finished 3 chapters of online mission, after that i have been focused on completing the offline game story because i found it more interesting, currently i am at episode 2 in the offline story.

You will have to fight back the khanate invasion and there are three different milestones of khanate invasion and final boss battle in the offline story (although a network connection is required, still called offline story).

Online story is the main story and needs a very good collection and even better skills to complete, then you can unlock the ‘Hell Mode’. You can farm good EXP from online story and she to some improvements in summoned monsters spawn, you can easily get through a few chapter by using awakened mythics and raise your hero rank.

So go for online story.
