Share monsters

Following my legendary … (Cough) super epic? (Dupe) ‘friends’

What monsters, if you call upon your friends beasts do people actually like to be shared?

Godfeather is the best. Low lvl people will always pick it

The new mons so I can try them.

i think penguini/dragaia are the best for newer players, and also a back up plan for experienced players trying out new teams… after that new monsters so people can try them, and then special egg monsters since they are rare, like lavaronix, aegis, oniblade, polareon, motordragon and so on…

I only have one legendary, Godfeather, and it has been picked like 856 times. Started playing from the beginning of June. I think for many people he is a lifesaver.

I went with alphagear, since he could definitely get you out of a pinch, especially with the time bonus. People do seem to pick it a lot.

Rexotyrant is still picked a lot. I’m over 1100 shares on it now. I think he’s starting to lose his shine with the newer legendaries.

I like to pick aegis for difficult missions. Can’t really go wrong with that. Other than that I just added myself and pick my own creature so I get more fruits!

I usually pick the monsters that are new, or the ones that offer a elemental bonus in the story missions.
Other then that, the evolved tiamof has saved me a thousand times, as well as don penguini.
If I ever find a ultra evolved legendary I usually like to try them out.