Season 3 - Week 3: Ancient Weapon II Starts 10/5/2014 6PM EST, 10PM GMT.

Season 3 - Week 3: Ancient Weapon II

Starts 10/5/2014 6PM EST, 10PM GMT

Heal allies with Risky Heal!

S Rank Guardiron awarded to the Top 10%.
Gold Mission Egg Awarded to Everyone.

To get started on it immediately after the event is live, please force quit your app and relaunch it. (Please DO NOT DELETE your app).

Here is how:…pp-iphone-ipad/

Please Visit the Fair Practice Mission Policy for more details about how the prize is distributed.


Summary: Normally only 1% of the players will win, but if you have never won in that Season (usually 10 weeks per Season) you just need to finish in the top 10%. This way people who don’t win get better odds of winning as time goes by.
1). We will keep a list of every player that has won a grand prize in a mission
2). The list will be wiped out every 10 weeks (number may change based on feedback). We will refer to this period as a Season.
3) If you have NOT won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are placed in pool A.
4) If you have won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are immediately placed in pool B.
5) For players in pool A, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 10% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission.
6) For players in pool B, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 1% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission.

Guardiron!!! Om fg!!! It’s only guard iron!!! Wahhhooooooooo

YEAHHHHHH this one will incorporate my line-up at 10.25 PM GMT :smiley: so happy

Haha! Plasmos will be demolished!!!

any information about the moves?~~

Awesome! The big guy is there. It could definitively counter Destructor and ShadowStalker if its speed is high enough.

Is it a metal ark?

Shadow stalker is angelic…

It has decent moves I think, an AoE, risky heal, ally something, then one more probably

Shadow stalker is angelic…

Lol, mine was a big mess :smiley:

Shadowstalker is holy for element and mystic for subtype.

What is the subtype for Guardiron?


what’s its moveset? Any beta testers know?

Well that’s every 12*

Sucks for new players, but rocks for us

And my scorpionix

And my octo :wink:

Good thing I’m in pool A :slight_smile:

What’s 1% exactly like how many people? Because I finished last time fast and didn’t get the golem :frowning:

If 100 people completed the last mission, then this week only 10 people in pool A would get the OM reward. And 1 person in pool B would get the reward.

It seems to be an awesome ark especially for maintaining your team. My problem now becomes how to fit this guy in with my lineup. By now there’s enough arks to go around to the point where they seem to synergize well with each other ( Scorpionix + Osiriswurm + Octoneer + Cryowurm + Kamiwurm --> and so fourth) I have a concluding lineup consisting of magmawurm + Halopard + Omegawurm. I am considering Guardirion replacing either halo or Magma; which runs the risk of my lineup (which is for the most part non-metal), being suseptible to metal ark removal. 

I won’t win it’s to long for me it would be nice if under grand master hunters can get an easier missions

As always,