Restore old account

So ive been playing for a year now on my old phone and my old account was deleted and ive forgot to save the restore numbers but ive contacted support and gave them a screenshot of my receipt from when i bought the game last year what im not understanding is that they have my receipt why havent they responded back to me on it

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD

When exactly did you contact them? They are based in Japan so they’re ahead of most places with time zone and it’s currently Saturday evening for them. If your email was in the last ~30 hours there was no chance it got locked at before the weekend. You will most likely get a reply on Monday or Tuesday.

Well i did get a reply last week around june 4 they were asking about my username and told me that if i have a receipt that they can find it and i screenshoted it and sent it to them but i got no reply about the screenshot but about the usernames im not sure what to do when i have the receipt information

Kinda funny at this rate i wont need to get it back lol