Regarding fusion arks ranks

I saw a topic a while back saying how the ranks of fusion arks are determined, but I just fused a s rank with an e rank and got a b rank. At coding to the topic I should’ve gotten a b rank. I couldn’t find that topic so I just posted it here

So, pretend the letters are represented by numbers.

S=1, A=2, B=3, … E=6.

S+E (1+6) = 7

Now, to find out the grade you’ll receive, you need to average the two you combined.

7/2 = 3.5

In the case of fusion, you round DOWN, as opposed to all other rules in math. This leaves you with a 3, which is what B is represented by in this simulation.

So, yes, you got what you were supposed to.

A simpler way to explain it is you get the median (the one in the middle) of the two ranks when you put them in order.


In the case of there being 2 in the middle, you always get the better rank.

So with an S and an E gives either a C or a B, (so you get the higher of the two, a B rank)

So an S and a B would give you an A. 

A B rank and an E would give you either a C or a D (again you get the higher rank, a C)

An S and an A would give you an S. 

etc etc.

You meant mean, not median right?

It’s the average pretty much, then if it’s 0.5 or more, rounded to the better grade.

Nope, median. Median is putting them in value order and picking the middle.

Average (or mean) only works when replacing the letters with numbers as you have to add them and then divide, meaning extra calculations.

Whereas if you list them in value order, i.e. S A B C D E then the median is the middle value. 

So if you had an A rank and an E rank you would have:


C is the letter in the middle so you get a C in the fusion. 

If there are two in the middle i.e. you have an S rank and an E rank then you get the higher of the two.


B and C are both in the middle, so you get the B.

So you basically list the ranks inbetween the two you are fusing and pick the middle one.

Here are the links you were talking about, just in case y’all wanted them.

But, Crystal and Sabercrest both explained it well already, so… ^^

S S E F, wouldn’t be B, it’d be C, correct? Therefore it’s not really median then?

It is still median, however you’re right it doesn’t work with the multi fusions, you would have to work them out the long way.

If it’s only two arks then it acts as a shorter way of working it out.