Recover account

Hello good Excuse me but can someone help me, I need to recover my account, I had to change devices, so I have the restoration code, but I forgot the “secure code” and I need both to recover it, already contact support “” several times and they don’t respond to me, just once, they asked me for some information, I sent it to them and still no response. Does anyone know what else I can do, please I don’t want to lose my 3 years of progress :disappointed:

If you didn’t set a secure code then it is blank. Otherwise, try messaging @Dev_VKC here

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Well I’ll try, but how can I send him a message? :thinking:

Sorry for the late reply. Click on the tag in my post and the message button will pop up

Don’t worry, they already attended to me and are on the case, thank you very much for your attention :+1:t2: