PvP will be good now

my nauticcruiser, f

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Iā€™m so satisfied I could cry


They could have also gave Mai sonic break

Not sure how to feel about the nerf to the Dolphs. On one hand, it was a necessary one, but on the other hand, I personally think there was a better way it couldā€™ve been handled. Rather than creating two different passives and sharing them out, they couldā€™ve kept the ATK boost on all of them and just drop the DEF boost. But thatā€™s just my initial reaction; Iā€™ll have to see how things play out from here.


As I remember some opinions, the charging combo was fine? @Killerdog

Not quite true. They nerfed Dusicyon but didnā€™t give anything. The only time they gave tickets was when they redesigned the movesets and you had to trade in the monster for 6 tickets (half the price to buy). It would be silly to trade in Poseidon because itā€™s still a good monster and if you wanted to buy it again later youā€™d have a loss of 6 tickets for nothing.

Power level wise yes, it was less of a problem than other things. However, itā€™s definitely become very popular so it will be nice to see the meta shift. The energy monsters are fine without swift charge at the start of a battleā€¦ itā€™s not a big loss.


if they give me 3 tickets for Poseidon Iā€™ll sell it

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Yes I know ,but not everyone want to use him now (since he is still limit 1 and who knows they still limit 1 him next season) .

It more better they give choice. If you want him you can save It, and If u donā€™t want you can trade it( loss 6 ticket):sweat_smile:

Iā€™m satisfied with 3

Thats very humble :sweat_smile:

well, just recovering something from 12 tickets is better than nothing

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really from nauticruser itā€™s the one i regret (didnā€™t see that nerf coming from any angle)

First time I thought they Will nerf the SS and buff double energy charge (160sec?) I have the energy set up but (nauticruiser auraleus koala) but rarely use them

I wish it was that, his ss has a 50 second restriction, now itā€™s very difficult to play and he needs to cook, but auraleus is no longer good there, Iā€™ll have to change to something else

I had a perfect team set up that I always wanted to use, I was even going to play all the ranking tickets to try for the top 10, it really made me sad

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Also Devs, if not Arborgias buff, can we have Holy element Shiny Arborgias? Iā€™m willing to spend 10 tickets for my favourite God of Nature


There should be no refund for +9 pusi users .
U guys had enough free wins


This man gets it