PvP still broken?

it seems to be a major problem if so many of us experience this

Maybe its the servers? there just might be many players trying to access it at the same time or they could possibly be doing some maintenance to the pvp right now 

I can’t connect to online server now

It seems like we are under some kind of DOS attack. Looking into it now

I’m also having a problem with going back to the home screen as soon as I find an opponent

Who has the spare time to DOS a mobile game -_-

Keep us posted on the progress you make on dealing with it please

Still not solved as of now? I’m still stuck on loading > back to town

please try now

Working on this end now

Once poison, any stock entrance will crash my game.

This happened. Waited around 10 mins and had to close the app.

Sad but nut pvp now have reconnecting issue

Same happened to me perma freeze and now I get matchmaking errors

I have been freezing every game for last 3 or no matchmaking