Pvp servers down?

So I’ve been trying on and off for about half an hour today but every time I connect to a pvp match it sends me back to the pvp menu after about 10 seconds of loading. I seem to not be the only one with this issue either and it’s nothing to do with my own connection and everything else WiFi related is working. @Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD

Yey! Free gems!


Same happened to me… i was suddenly kicked out of a match & it wasn’t recorded in battle logs either.

The same thing happens to me too, I’m sure they’re busy getting another waifu and they don’t notice the down servers

Is there anyone who can help with this problem i really want to play the pvp but whenever i click battle option it is waiting for opponent and when it connects to opponent it says loading and then connecting to server and then it sends back to the pvp menu

Can anyone help

Bro we’re all in the same boat. It’s down the the devs to fix it. But don’t worry, we’ll probably get compensation gems and if we’re lucky an extension since we’ve lost like half a day so far

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Odds are this won’t be fixed until tomorrow

I couldn’t play a single match today and came here to complain about the same.
It couldn’t find an opponent most of the time and when it does, we are abruptly returned back to PvP home-screen.
This is a much serious issue than that Vigiziarid one which came up earlier so I think we should get at least 10-20 gems for this issue.
And it’s nothing new to me, keeps on happening many times everyday.

Hmm well it’s consistently happening to everyone today sadly. I’m only 2 gems off a pack and 2 wins off getting them so it’s quite annoying for me since I’ll have to do something a lot more difficulty

I had 64 gems and rolled six singles on the festival to check my luck, now I have 58. If I had all the gems now (2 packs). I could have hoped for a featured legend and rolled on the festival and now my best source of gems is off.
We all are sad bro :sob:

Sorry for the issue.
The server has been fixed.

