Please help me make a PVP set

U mean a popcorn corner for u ? I like it

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I think that would be impossible to manage. Trying to tell angry people to go be angry in a corner is exactly what causes me all the issues I already get in trying to moderate here. Also, putting all rude posts into another thread is just asking for all the rude posts to be directed at me.

The opposite works… making a thread all about politeness and being kind to each other. We could easily get a thread working like that, but not directing all the angry/rude people into one place.

You flag more posts for censorship than anyone else @eNjiin don’t even start :joy:

The stasi would jail you for being a snitch

For the record, I’ve seen it done successfully in the past. 1 room where everything goes, and then the rest do get cleared up as a result.

If it gets out of hand then the community itself can remind people to “Take it to the basement” if you will, such that the mods aren’t enforcing it constantly.

It would have to be a community accepted standard though, not good stuff happens in the basement, not in the main forum.


Hell yeah @Zardecil your best suggestion of all time :100:

Finally, we’d have a(n active) thread to rival Saitama’s pvp “slaughtered” thread in number of replies :ok_hand:t4:


Yesss! I 100% support a fightclub thread

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First rule of fight club thread…


Who said anything about a fightclub thread?