Non update

hello when I connect a Play store I see no update can you help me?

I haven’t checked android, but I know it’s in the apple app store

I play on android and I updated without problems…

Strange, what country ? XD

When i got into my game it asked me to update and if i was on ios or android.

I am using an android device and I downloaded the game as an apk file outside the app store

I can not see the update option either

Can someone give me an alternative method to update?

I erssing cache and its work but the restore code only once a year

Downloading apk’s is against the violation of terms and you could get banned… But if you payed for it there should be an updated apk on the internet.

It’s a new update so it won’t be available for a while at least, even if you did pay for it. It’s cause it has to go through the App Store first and then be converted.