New feature Coming: Toggleable Secret Skills

Hi fams,

Toggleable Secret Skills will be added in the next update of Neomon!
Once you unlock a monster’s secret skill, you can turn it ON and OFF without any cost!
You can edit your secret skill in the Unlock Secret Skill section.

Master your secret skills, form an ultimate team!


We also tweaked couple panels a little bit in order to support iPhone X.
Hopefully we will be able to release this update in July.

Thank you for playing Neo Monsters!
You guys are the best!



Awesome news mate

Thank you! Been waiting for this forever :smiley:

Damn that’s awesome

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@Dev_VKC still no devolve monster feature?

any other features or more importantly when is this update

yes just tell us already when this update out
and any consideration friends point can buy something else other than deage??


Friend points for gems and other stuff pls


I got stacks waiting :ok_hand:t2:


In the words of Steven Tyler, “Dreeeeam on! DREEEEEEAAAAAM OOOOOOON”


You guys find a very smart way to implement this feature.

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@Dev_VKC Thank you so much!! I can finally add secret skills to Chromera, Tygoron, Midasdragon, Lunartic, Solblaze and so many more!

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Bout time. This will be nice for a few guys

Thank you @Dev_VKC and all devs for your hard work!

Question: I’ve unlocked & re-locked secret skills on a couple of my mons. Will these these mons’ secret skills be considered unlocked/able to be toggled in the coming update? Even if they are currently locked?

Thanks again!

You have so many exclusives…

Never enough :wink:

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I can unlock saintfeather ss, oh wait it’s **** , so can’t waste an ocarino

Unfortunately, the current version of Neo Monsters cannot tell if a player has unlcoked secret skill or not.
Instead, we will give out an Ocarino to all the players as compensation.

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