New Elfin Dragon coming

Just spotted this in MBQ and thought people might like to see. Looks a bit slow and awkward because it can only attack with sneak attack. It’ll probably be one of the weaker elfin dragons.

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Is bad lol

I encountered the first form of the water ED too and it looks so cute! Most probably a sleep monster in its final stage

@Dev_VKC plsss make this monster megadusk to sneak attack so it should have more use.

Blue E.D


Once again the poor shadow monter gets stealth abilitys and again its the weakest of then hall :broken_heart: that breaks my heart
@Dev_VKC bring justice for stealth

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I am already try them ,and they are bad :-1:

White one : why he have switchfriend?:sweat_smile:
Red one : RNG Based ,I meet doctor Doom and he put 2my monster to sleep, when E.D rod entrance not even single monster get poisoned
Yellow : killer skill with low attack , useless stunflash I am prefer he have shocking entrance and normal “Mark” skill
Green : low attack catapult only ohko monster with low hp like SE or thunder monster

Now only remain Blue and black
Blue : RnG based ,its backfire on the team with lulaby
Black : Bad bcoz we have e.d with chance toxic entrance and not have any ofensif skill except sneakshot

They are worst series monster in Neo, more bad then pyramid


Wich is very sad cuz their design are great

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I agree with the first half of this sentence, but Pyramid Golems are seriously good. Abyssoldiers were the worst SE cycle to come out. Literally nobody uses them as a group, only as individual monsters. Poseidon has given them another use, but mostly it’s Poseidon + 1-3 A.S.