Need help with episode IX

I don’t know if I should post this in the teambuilding thread, but I’m quite happy with my current team and this is specifically for episode IX so I’ll just do it here.

I have no trouble with the first match, but I can’t win with my own team. Here is the team I have been using so far and all the non-catchable monsters I have. Anyone who can help me or do I have to just get stronger monsters?

Could you remind me which team your facing in episode 9 ?

I can go back and check a little more closely, but from what I remember from the top of my head there were like three or four 400sec bombers (Lavaronix being one), the fire bird with death revenge (can’t remember the name… Rexotyrant?), the new stun counter monster and a bunch of others. Is that enough or should I check again?

So there is one episode with rexo and some annoying knock backers, but rexo aint a firebird :smiley: so then there is one where you face all of the death revengera in the game, and i think there is alsomone with lavaronix but the exact frontline would be really helpful :slight_smile:

Go one on one, unwanted friend, stun enterance legend and some bloodthirster.
Ichyrion is not a joke man xd

I don’t know if I should post this in the teambuilding thread, but I’m quite happy with my current team and this is specifically for episode IX so I’ll just do it here.
I have no trouble with the first match, but I can’t win with my own team. Here is the team I have been using so far and all the non-catchable monsters I have. Anyone who can help me or do I have to just get stronger monsters?

Put all desperater and the puffoxin and raynobrowl on the front line and death routte with them

If its the unwanted friend/knock back episode that wont help.

Nevermind, I went back to get some screenshots and I accidentally won. I got really lucky with my Shadowstalker. Anyway, it was the comp heavy with 400sec bombers and sleep/dreamhunt. The frontline was Soulstealer, Gaiakaizer, Moltagent and Lavaronix.

Yeah that one was really annoying. Prepare for the knockback/unwanted friend and the “we just put all the death revenge monsters from the game into one team” episode :smiley: they’re equally fun to play :smiley:

brother your team is too strong , i did it with a much weaker team having just 3 superepics 1 legendary rest all epics . use all ‘last stand’ monsters in the last 4 spaces of ur team

Holy necro.

Locking this.

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