📖 Monster Lores Added to Monsterdex 📖

Thank you for playing Neomon!

In this update, we’ve introduced a new feature: Monster Lore. This addition allows you to delve deeper into the stories of your favorite monsters and learn more about them. All lores are fully translated. Please note that you must own the specific form of a monster to unlock its lore. Check the in-game news for a list of monsters with lores included in this update.

We’ve included a variety of stories. Please share your feedback with us about stories or this new feature! Personally, I’m a fan of the dark and gory ones.

Feel free to leave your thoughts here!


I haven’t opened neo today, looks interesting.

No Eirlys lore i am dissepointed :smiling_face_with_tear:

Then come up with something to add as main story missions , it has never been updated since i started

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Cool! Maybe we should make a thread for story authors to fill in the blank monsters😅

I realized something. Suikenshi learned swordsmanship from a woman, as I remember the woman with the katana in neo was Hazuki. This makes sense because Hazuki herself is faster and can counter Suikenshi well.

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Implementing suggestion to add lore for monster that was proposed in 2019 :clap: @Dev_VKC


Soral’s lore


Instead of dev improving and balancing they are introducing lore. Totally incomprehensible.


Bruh lol.

Very pleased that some of the monsters now have lore!

Also glad theres no waifu lore! (Except Harle)

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Goddess of moon(Moon Maiden) probably is Selene. Can you share Natughoul and Onixia lore? Thank you.


Otomaid too op also why the f did it tell me her brah size i didnt ask for that

Onyxia lore


Honghua lore is not there!!! I’m dead :skull_and_crossbones: please add honghua and as a recommendation you can say Lava’s lover in the story :rofl:

thanks dev, pretty good and fair changes

Devs: hope we could do this useful change if we had time
Also devs: we spent time making monster lore

I personally think Vixenblade’s lore is hilarious. Picturing Suikenshi giving a podcast style interview about her cracks me up.


What has been the improvement of Risu?

Lol ,I thought Suikenshi teacher is Hazuki.:sweat_smile:

So its Vixenblade!

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My favourite part of the Arachnadiva lore :joy: