KD's Bonus Potions and Entrance Speed guide

Customising entrance speed / move TU

You may be wondering why you'd ever want to reduce the bonus on monsters once you've used the potions. However, there are a few cases which could make you want to do this or to pot another monster to keep something happening.

Here are some examples:

  • (Slowing GT with 160TU sweeping moves) Delugazar has a 160TU move that is extremely good for killing two enemies, double bloodthirst. It’s incredibly common to pair Delugazar with give turn monsters so you can use double bloodthirst as much as possible while Delugazar is alive. However, give turn is also 160TU so the two can get in the way of each other if you don’t have the bonuses done correctly. What you should do is you keep Delugazar “+3” more than the give turn monsters you use around him, or otherwise have their give turn TU adjusted to be slightly more than Delugazar’s double bloodthirst. By doing this it means he can get a move in right before the GT monster gets a turn again.

  • (Slowing moves so time restrictions are passed) Doomengine was a famously annoying monster to have potted before we got the option to customise move TU. The monster revolves around passing 150s for the twin bomb but the 70TU + 100TU moves go faster than 150s once the monster is potted too much. This is the most obvious example of a monster you want to lower the move TU bonus on but there are a few other examples too.

  • (Timing wake-up from OoO) As mentioned earlier in this guide, the amount of time a monster gets set back while asleep is 50TU but gets reduced by “seconds reduction” just like 50TU skills are. This can be utilised to your advantage if you know exactly how many seconds there will be between the monster using OoO (one-on-one) and this other monster. In some cases, by having the monster with the full +9 it will wake up just after getting a turn and have to wait 40+ seconds to get a turn. However, by reducing the bonus a little you can time it to get a turn 1-2s after waking up. This was popular on Captainwhiskers before it got nerfed. Originally the neko barrage attack (which kills all enemies through HG and shields) had a 300s restriction and when paired with a fast OoO it was possible to have Captainwhiskers get a turn 1-2s after waking up and then kill the entire enemy team before they got a turn with any of their monsters.

  • (Front line entrance speed) There are numerous cases where you want certain monsters to go in front or behind other monsters in the front line to get desired interactions. Cannibalise in front of retribution monsters, accelerate first, protect first… the list goes on. As you create different front lines you’ll see them all.

You may find there are other unique cases as you play with your monsters. Some interesting interactions can get caused by customising entrance speed and move TU! I hope this has given you enough to think about for using your potions.