Is Banedragon featured?

Now I’m not one for conspiracies or questioning the rates but I just have to check if I’m crazy or the RNG is.

I’m talking about the Aethereon egg featuring Moku, Bundam and Blitzdyr.

I got Banedragon from it… a legendary I’ve somehow dodged for all these years. Three packs later I got it again. I obviously shared that with my clan; turns out another person got Banedragon twice in the packs they hatched from this egg.

So, for anyone else who hatched from this egg did you find yourself hatching Banedragon a lot?


Could you tell us a bit about RNG and eggs :eyes::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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Haha that’s rng for you. Bane is known to pop up when you least expect him. He happened to be my first legend actually

Yes, I don’t get featured legend. Instead got bane

This happened recently in magma banner

Nobody expects the sBanesh Inquisition


Tbh I’ve been expecting him for a few years now!

I got dolpheonix in 3 diff Tricranium banner 3 times._.