I just realized... I never made an introduction thread xD

Hi guys! I’m pretty sure alot of you know me x) sorry if this is spam, but I just realized, I never made an introduction thread so…

Hi! You can call me Kitty, or kc. Either works. My starter was frostkit as it was just so adorable. My starting team (Goes into back of brain, from about 6 months ago) Pearex, (got 3 because that guy in bazaar said they were rare and I was just like “Oh heck naw, Ima get THREE! To prove that fool wrong.”) It took me about an hour. Also, I just got every Ark at first because they were so cute :slight_smile: but I do prefer DIB’s art style more. I thought it was amazing. I am just starting highschool, (almost done with my first year :slight_smile: ) Which is way different then anything I’ve done before >.< And I would love to be a part of this great community!

Well,I guess “welcome” to the forums…I guess.

I just realized I never made one either…

hey kitty welcome to the family :stuck_out_tongue:

Im finishing 9 grade also

I never made one either because I want to be ironic and post an introduction thread when I’m departing

lol just kidding

Hi Kitty. ^^;

Welcome even know I already know you, lol.

Hello all! Thanks for the warm welcome! I am glad to be a part of the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

XD Why Hello there Kitty.  Welcome to the forum. :smiley: