HP Boost - The truth behind it

Actually u very right about this, i wanted to boost Hazuki cuz she’s perfect in all senses less than HP and boost her would be perfect but i still went for Carmilla…Sometimes i think that is kinda stupid and she definitely not need but…this surprise me a lot

She endured an vengeance from Arachna :neutral_face:

I’ve thought about doing Hazuki too :thinking:

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Think harleking will be perfect


Good suggestion too!

Fun fact for anyone thinking of boosting Hazuki: she doesn’t keep the HP boost when she gets revived.

Don’t the birds Soral creates keep the boost? Weird Hazuki doesn’t, especially considering it’s a revival of the exact same monster.

@Dev_VKC what’s the rule on this? Seems like the boost should consistently apply to clones/babies.


Just two questions of understanding.

Does Grovodeus/Springolo transfer the boost?

Does Kuraokami give it to the Yukis?

It’s not the exact same monster. It has different index since she revives without this skills. Same as Kunomi.

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Let’s get an answer from @Dev_VKC , nobody should have to waste their ores on those monsters to find out

Are the babies of Soral not different index numbers as well?

They are 1st form of the Soral, I meant that both respawned Kunomi and Hazuki are not any form of the original monster.


No. Dfferent monster, Springol creates new Grovodeus.

No, Yukis are not any form of Kuraokami.

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As i suspect, its a programming issue. When soral summons the babies, it summons them itself (is the “parent”/“reviver”). But when hazuki is revived, the monster that kills it is the “parent” or “reviver”, which explains why loki had his hazuki boosted when a boosted monster killed her.


Ophidiator, Tortogeist, Plumelisk also keep the boost since they spawn the 1st form of the original monster.

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So if an HP boosted mon kills Hazuki, shouldn’t it get the boost revived?

@Dev_VKC When will you implement an item or function that resets used Ores? Some users now have at least one Boosted monster, so I think you’d better implement it.

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Wasn’t it only for monsters that would be nerfed? When was it announced that such option will be implemented?

They said they will only allow this if a monster is nerfed. Otherwise, there is no opportunity for people to take back their choices.

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I agree they should probably change things so monsters like Hazuki come back with the HP boost. Lionheart mythic version should have the HP boost too. Hopefully they can also let monsters like Kunomi and Hazuki still come back with the stats buff of the enemy which killed them, that’s a nice bonus in PvE they have right now but maybe they should follow suit of Lionheart and lose that bit.


You know when we agree on something, it’s probably the right thing to do :joy:

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