Help with poison team?

I really like the idea of poison in this team!

can someone suggest a team of poison monsters that is F2P for me? (currently I’m facing the last enemy in cursed island)

also have Elekat

first time here, thanks for the helpers and sorry for bad english :slight_smile:

I don’t know about an entire f2p poison team, but I can tell you the three best f2p poisoning monsters, which are probably puffoxin, rhyno raw and hellataur. You can get a lot of 4 star poison massacre monsters from events and whatnot as well, the most recent one being octojungle I think.

thanks, now I have puffoxin :slight_smile:

only started participate in events 3 days ago, are there any other poison monsters out there?

right now I have these:

Elekat, Helltaur, Krakhan, Skullwolf, Naga, Rhynobrawl, Greeking, Rubyfox, uffoxin

You can use poison revenge timestrikers on a poison team quite well

That’s a good idea!

added Voltiger

do you know other monsters that are like that? (free…)

Yep, Infernowyrm, you can get him in the 4 island I think

The octojungle event is coming up actually, he’s good for a poison team.