Help hell mode

anyone have an idea how to defeat this first born
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Use Torrentide

It’s hell mode, doubt Torrentide will be as useful. I would imagine the fight would take a million years.

Take advantage of OOO and the aoe after tht from altyrant .
Use a low star mons to bring in a mojinator, have a gt in fl with rhinotitan (excessive true hit ) terragar is dead .
U can also use simuronix+ any kind of true hit to finish terragar or enrage .
For eg this mode has way to aoe , a simple camo lock + Dr spam will be good engh fr finishing the entire thing (torrentide + bloom especially the camo water legend with poison massacre) is generally engh .
U can use frnd nulltron at end just to make it even easier.
Idk if this works now but another trick was to use joco and let him use sendback next a few times in mid game to avoid threats then just start with null charge.

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Did this fight on December with Torrentide as the ace. Took about 15 min but it does work.

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I beat this with four monster use equlizer mons with rhinotitan turbotusk and utopin just try that


I beat it, thanks for the tips thanks everyone it was easier than expected, rhinotitan inflicts 50k damage to terragar with the real hit :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


and i was able to shoot several other monsters with it, and when they died harleking had no trouble destroying all the rest


thank you again :muscle::muscle: