hello just a little announcement I'm new

I just wanted to emphasize that they are taking something bad from the game, he explained to me because they have already buffed him so much but so much the chances that they will give you a mythical or legendary that it is impossible to get something out sometimes You have to spend up to 600 gems and not even with that to get a simple legendary like there is a bug that should be corrected, I take this opportunity to help me contact the Dev To tell you something that worries me, well, without further ado, Regards

Fact 2

There is no bug. You guys need to understand what ‘chance’ means


Para mi enteder asta con gemas pagadas te dan monster malos Tu eres el menos indicado para hablar ya que supongo tendras Casi todos los monster , yo ni eso cada vez q tiro de 1200 en 1200 que tardo como meses en reunir solo sale pura Kk para hablarte en plata cubana no lo califico como bug disculpa si te ofendi pero si que hay un problema y de verdad ya me ostine a lo igual q alguno jugadores de que con bastante gemas que tires en Algun baner deseado no den nada espero que lo entiendan , aveces creo q solo me pasa a mi

thanks to communism, that no longer has any value :rofl:


Exactamente :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

“For my understanding even with paid gems they give you bad monsters You are the least suitable to talk since I suppose you will have Almost all the monsters, I don’t even that every time I shoot 1200 in 1200 that it takes me months to gather only pure Kk comes out to talk to you In Cuban silver, I don’t classify it as a bug, sorry if I offended you, but there is a problem and really, it already hurts me the same as some players who, with enough gems that you throw in some desired banner, do not give anything, I hope you understand, sometimes I think it only happens to me”

First of all, messages in English now please.

I definitely don’t have almost all monsters. Same thing, it takes me months to get 1200 gems. And then it’s impossible to not get anything because 30 hatches will give you a guaranteed featured mythic. You were just unlucky, I also have been very unlucky at times, but sometimes luck comes your way.

Bueno, Si tanto dices de la suerte esperaré a un baner bueno entonces y voy a enviar captura de pantalla para mostrarte :grinning:

“Well, if you say so much about luck I’ll wait for a good baner then and I’ll send a screenshot to show you”

You’re welcome to do that. I do the same in the “what did you get from your eggs” thread :slightly_smiling_face:

And please, in English! Final warning.
