Dreamy Entrance Bug

I’m not sure if this was made to be intentional, but whenever my dreamy entrance legendary enters the battlefield and it’s passive hits the enemy whose turn it currently is, even though the monster has the “asleep” icon active it is still able to take an action. this delay in the effect of the passive entrance/revenge abilities seems to happen with poison revenge, and death revenge as well. seems like this might have been overlooked, and don’t get me wrong, I really love playing this game, but that just seems kinda sloppy. it’s really frustrating when your legendary’s dreamy entrance or death revenge hits a stun bomber whose turn is up and they sac out making the ability of the monster useless, or when it hits a monster with an activated bloodthirst whose turn is up and they get one more shot off against you. I only say this cause stun revenge always has an immediate effect, and the passive ability of these monsters is pretty much the only reason they make the roster, cause their other moves are pretty garbage without the synergy with their passive. if a developer could weigh in on this issue it would be greatly appreciated! thank you!
