Crystal Mouths not appearing

Been trying to get a ceystal mouth all this week, but after running it 10-12 times, non have turned up. Instead I’ve been getting bronzemouths regularly. I’d say the bronze may have accidentally taken the place of crystal considering the drop rate seems to be about what crystal was.

Yeah, Crystalmouths are just that rare, sorry man. I myself have never gotten one from there. I just rely on the events that give them out. I’m up to 5 now.

I’ve never gotten one from an event. And I know they’re rare, but usually they spawn at least one every other time. And I’ve never seen bronze in the top level, it’s always crystal or gold. But no crystal have shown up lately

Damn, I must be really lucky, got 3, all from the ingredient mission, I didn’t even know they where so rare (and never needed one xD )