Cryptamid Odds

Can anyone verify they’ve gotten Cryptamids from the Valley of the Pyramids? I’m almost upto 30 runs without getting ONE!! Lol just wondering what the odds may be of getting one…

Happy Hunting!!

I can :smiley:.I got two of them from valley of pyramid.

Same here, got three cryptamids from the valley of pyramid, use one for emeraldeus

same for me, got one from the valley of piramid

I got 3 while trying for a noxmid.

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I’d always thought that Cryptamids were an event exclusive ingredient, like the Moaliths.

Got one my first pyramid run. But yet noxmid hides from me for ever…

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I have tried about 20 times and no luck :frowning:

I can’t get a cryptomid for the life of me. spent two keys and at least 6 ticket refills trying to find one…it still eludes me…

Didn’t even know that you can get one from valley of pyramids…zZzz