please help, so i went to play this game “normally” and start the mission (going elite) i died at the last one. So i decided to go ONLINE but the text " CONNECTING TO SERVER " keeps on showing and never opened the main menu.

I REINSTALLED and the shit is restarting from zero (thought it left the saved game) i follow the shittiest part of the game which is the tutorial and after Beating the Rookie league, the moment when online section is UNLOCKED the same thing HAPPENED . And i do not know what to do ! I bought this shit and it was good after all this happens " -200 stars "

P.S data is Available, android 5.0, ZenFone 4

All it means is that you have to have a little patience. This happens occasionally when there is stress on the servers.

I’ve been waiting it for 2 hours approximately, retried the same stuff for about 10 times. I fell asleep while waiting for it. And now the same problem still occurs, the egg section managed to the server but the online button stuck with no hope

Message the devs over Facebook.

Happend to me last week. Restarted my phone and wifi connection and it worked again. Problably network problems