Bovolcus Lineup

I’m having a really hard time trying to set up a line up with Bovolcus please help

Well, I can’t speak from personal experience since I don’t have him. So, pretty much the primary way this guy is supposed to function is where, he deathmatches, then brings down all four enemies with blaze, and thus has a freakishly charged bloodthirst. This is probably the best way to do it, because otherwise, after the enemy frontline dissolves he would sit there uselessly with no charges. Of course, they would probably unleash all manner of revenge and entrances on you once you take them down, so bringing a 5 star tank would be a good idea, he could cancel stun/poison effects, maybe sleep ones. You could also have a stunner or roarer in fifth, threatening an entrance if they kill anything. I think bring Remus or a SE unfriender too, so he can knock back stun absorbers or immunes. And also dreadfish or octoboss to stun away and give bolv ample time to do his thing, and obviously a good amount of GTs and TTs. Or for an alternate setup, bring a banedragon or something, get the enemies poisoned, and make them instantly die from the match + poison and have their revenge nullified. Then, I guess send Bolv back, so he could be extra fodder for rexkong or SE throwers since he’ll serve pretty much no further purpose. Or perhaps the perfect partner for this guy- Steamhawk. I trust you managed to get him from the second IC? If so, here’s my proposal- deathmatch followed up by life flip all. If it wounds bovolcus, that’s okay, he’s already done his duty anyway. Uncertain how successful that will be, just giving you the best ideas I have.

So I’ve done a lot of experimenting with bolvicus, and if you want to use him in pve then whatever you do don’t evolve him. Poison revenge might be good in pvp but in pve it messes everything up, trust me. So I’ll focus on pvp for now. 

Using bolvicus as a sweeper is not going to work. Trust me when I say I’ve tried every combination, honestly the closest I came was spam reviving it using aurodragon, atrahasis and cryptblade, and even then it was very easy to break and waaay too inconsistent. 

The way to use it effectively in pvp is to have it as a very small but threatening core. So basically somewhere in the middle you want something like robinator>shocking entrance legend>shocking entrance legend>bolvicus>atrahasis (or any monster that can cannibalise). The basic idea is to stun long enough to get deathmatch off and then cannibalise bolvicus to poison the enemy team for 4 kills ignoring passives. The problem is that going all in on this is again very risky, since not only are you jumping 4 monsters which in itself is a big risk but you have to rely on setting up the stun. My usual answer to this is basically to have bolvicus and firelion/atrahasis next to each other on their own pretty much, and then lead into poison eaters. That way if they deal with bolvicus you have an advantage going into the poison section and if they don’t then you get the deathmatch/cannibalise combo off. 

Again, this is not the only way to use him, but he has the downside of being an enormous target so having any sort of dedication towards him as a sweeper is too risky to be viable. This is medium risk but high reward if it works, and not a total loss if it doesn’t.

I use Bovoclus sometimes to set up other monsters. I might run him, heal all, ultimadrake, and another monster with bloodthirst/bloodfury/bloodcrave. Maybe bring in a protector or a stunning entrance monster after using heal all