Anyone here play Hearthstone?

I’ve recently started playing hearthstone, a strategy card game, and i was wondering if anybody else plays it. Its completely free.

ill try download it asap, looks awesome

I play it one of me fav games

I can’t seem to get into it. :confused:  Not the hugest fan of those card games.  However I hear people who do like it love Hearthstone.

I used to play card games and such

But then my job became my hobby

It’s fun for me but if you get bored easily then it’s not for you

I like it because I play a lot of wow, but I can’t handle more than 2 games in a row

I’m gonna bump this topic.

It’s recently come out for smartphones. I’m always looking for someone to play against.

Anybody who wants to play, and dont use the Mechmage, Zoo and Facehunter all the time can send me a PM. But please, dont play this damn Meta-S… or u can play allone :smiley: There are over 200 Cards in Game, but u see the same 30 over and over again…