Anniversary is coming up

The anniversary is just over a month away, I can’t wait to see the new mythical and legendary ones, and claim the rewards :grin::muscle:


Me too :drooling_face:


I wait for the ticket Neo☺️

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Same i need 1 shard to awaken onixya :yum:


Same but with Suikenshi,hahaha

^ NOTE: The legendary egg pool size has increased from 35 to 40 but the featured legendaries are still 15x boosted chance so they’ve dropped from 0.75% each to 0.706%. The overall chance for a featured legendary has dropped from 2.25% to 2.118%. I doubt this will make too much difference, it’s a decrease of about 6% featured legendaries from our gems and bear in mind our free gems have pretty much tripled now we’ve got the fortune shrine. The mythic pool size has increased from 15 to 21 but the featured mythic is boosted from 45x to 63x to compensate, maintaining the 0.75% drop rate. What this mainly means is the chance for specific standard pool mythics is now insanely low.

The “6th anniversary guaranteed egg” details:

The gem purchase deal:

The neo ticket:


^ Here’s a reminder of what last year’s anniversary brought.

@Dev_VKC From memory, it was the best anniversary bringing absolutely everything people were hoping for. I hope it’s possible to repeat something similar! The only issue last time was all the connection problems caused by the unity 2017 → 2020 update, which obviously isn’t going to be a problem again.


Thanks for sharing :blush:

Normally ,cause + years=better things
I really liked 4th anniversary for the free myth but I sadly got Novem lol so I prefer neo ticket hope they bring another one so I can awake my 2nd myth in almost 5 years lol

I hope @Dev_VKC does less for the anniversary this year. A lot of you are very ungrateful and would get coal if it was Christmas


Last year was definitely the best anniversary. I awakened 4 mythics


that was hilarious. absolute panic from some people XD.

Do your remember the rewards for limited pvp as they were crazy too for the anniversary month…

i think it was for christmas month ,not anniversary


When will annivery start guys? Im bored to death


Me toooo

Can’t wait(for a surprise)

Oct 24th is my guess to allow for the Halloween egg the week after

I would guess either the 17th or the 24th. I think last year they started on the 18th, so I think they usually do it a week or two before Halloween.

imma say October.

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