A Request for a Veteran

Hello Veterans,

I used to play Neo Monsters a year or two ago and I really enjoyed this game, but I had quit due to not having enough time. However, I had obtained a Don Penguini on my second account after days of farming the first egg. Sadly, after gaining other legendaries on that account, I never saved the code for recovery when I had to stop playing. Recently, I tried getting back into the game and was determined to start it off with Penguini. To my dismay, I realized that the odds of getting a legendary from the first egg have greatly decreased, after trying well over 150 tries (and only getting 1 or 2 legendaries). Nowadays, I just don’t have the time to try farming for that perfect starterf legend. I was just wondering if any veteran players that have spare accounts with Penguini would be willing to give me a code? If not maybe an account with a decent legendary? Or maybe some tips on how to get a good legendary nowadays to start off an account. I really don’t want to sit around for 5+ hours a day farming eggs like I did last summer and with even lower odds now.

Can any of you veterans help me?

Tips and anything else is greatly appreciated!


Send mp to devs to Give u restore code with penguini

Hello Veterans,

I used to play Neo Monsters a year or two ago and I really enjoyed this game, but I had quit due to not having enough time. However, I had obtained a Don Penguini on my second account after days of farming the first egg. Sadly, after gaining other legendaries on that account, I never saved the code for recovery when I had to stop playing. Recently, I tried getting back into the game and was determined to start it off with Penguini. To my dismay, I realized that the odds of getting a legendary from the first egg have greatly decreased, after trying well over 150 tries (and only getting 1 or 2 legendaries). Nowadays, I just don’t have the time to try farming for that perfect starterf legend. I was just wondering if any veteran players that have spare accounts with Penguini would be willing to give me a code? If not maybe an account with a decent legendary? Or maybe some tips on how to get a good legendary nowadays to start off an account. I really don’t want to sit around for 5+ hours a day farming eggs like I did last summer and with even lower odds now.

Can any of you veterans help me?

Tips and anything else is greatly appreciated!


Asking devs for help is the best way. Give them:

Purchase receipts(including for the game download)
Account name(your online name in that account.)
Any parts of restore code you might remember.

It happend myself to, i had an acoount with really good monsters, i had Cyrokaizer,Prismabow, Darkrider and Gaiawolf and deleted accidentally. I don’t know any parts of the restore code, name i doesnt know its about a half year with this and i am so sngry about it and that i don’t noticed the restore code.
If you have a account and get many Legendarys at the start, so please noticed the restore code!!! It was a bitter lession for me.

I have one. Pinguini with Fire Poison Eater. New account.
PM me.

Who do you mean? I am more or less happy with my actually account.

:joy:haha, it is for Grinch.

Sent a dm! Thanks bro. Really helps out. :slight_smile:

Ops, ok sry of course ;D .

You could contact the devs with ur details. Thats what i did to get my account back

This is the friendliest and most polite request for an account that I’ve ever seen. Rather than attempting to trick you into taking an account with “2 CDs,” I sincerely hope everything works out for you.

Z19 GaryOak

This dude again with that CD’s crap lmao :joy:

Since knightJL is kindly offering his account I’m going to lock this.
If it doesn’t work for whatever reason then DM me and I’ll unlock it.
