A leeer

Hola amigos estaria Bueno crear un grupo
De watsap para divertirnos un poco ya que coinsidimos en el juego o talves para hacer unos pvp en tardes de aburrimiento

Just gonna wait for the people who are gonna welcome a new member to the community by telling them we don’t wanna read their language.

Vattene via balengo, nessuno vuole leggere commenti in :nauseated_face: (vomita) :face_vomiting: inglese


@Racer_jsjsjs, Welcome to the forum! As a moderator I must say that the forum language is English so in the future please use a translator if you can’t write/understand it.

And about sharing your personal contact details, please (@TNC_Strangeknow as well) do so via private messages from now on, this is just for your protection.

Took long enough @Exu

Helo @Racer_jsjsjs and welcom to the neomon forum!



En el forum debes hablar en inglés siempre, recomiendo usar un traductor si tienes problemas con el idioma

Can’t the devs make it so that if the people login in to the forum for the first time they have to read all the rules so that this problem wouldn’t come