7th Anniv is here!

which icon did you choose?
  • Cat
  • Girls

0 voters

Free S+ legend :heart: (almost impossible to pull it off in pvp tho lol)


Great for new players tho. These new kids will obliterate low level story mode.

Unfortunately it was felichanter and not wizpur but it’s better than nothing :smile:


@Dev_VKC, the egg pool update says new monsters are being added, but I don’t see any new units in the list. The myths are identical in the normal egg pool and rare egg pool now, is that intentional or a typo?


Was wondering about this as well but I guess they want to reveal them later? I remember last year the new monsters were on the list, though.

Hopefully that’s it, otherwise the rare pool will have nothing of notable value to me

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I assume it will be updated on friday when the anniversary 1st banner drops

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Is written it will change on 21st bro

Did you even look at the changes? I’m aware WHEN the changes take place I’m complaining that there’s nothing special about the rare egg

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Ah misread that question sorry bro my bad

I did pick Luci one during 5th Anniversary but this one makes me look like pedophile :sweat_smile:
I went with Exu’s Nemesis icon.

All good, I’m just complaining because I own everything in rares currently, and they’re adding nothing I don’t have or want to have (medbie cough lucifelle cough) so all the rares I’ve saved feel pointless except for potential myth tix


Here I will leave you with an idea that seems like a lot to ask but what if mojinces when summoning moku depended on the moji, if it takes normal moji to summon normal moku but if it takes shiny moji to summon shiny moku.

Shiny Moku? WTF? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I test the skill in shiny moji and summon the same Moku


That’s why I said that it would be great if instead of invoking the same moku, it’s better to invoke shiny moku, maybe it won’t be explained in a better way because I don’t speak English, I just use the translator to put the texts here

I think all old players expect only mythic shards as they have every/most common pool legendary

felichanter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wizpur

Looks like we getting Elfin Queen loli mythic

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They’ve consistently added a new myth or two during egg pool updates for the past year, but rolling is boring if there isn’t even potential for any new toys

Lets wait till Friday and see