He reinstalled the game a second time and it just worked.
Since the update, the game will get stuck every once in a while with continuously repeating a few frames. Nothing is touchable.
If you record this, the video will not contain that image.
If you switch task to another app and back to Neo Monsters, youâll go into another screen. This is the same screen the video records.
For example the game was stuck during a Shodown Tower match and it recorded the Shodown Tower screen where you have to choose the 3 doors. Auto fight was turned on. Probably it fought to the match end behind the stucked screen and I didnât lose the streak.
Another example, I was in the unlock special skill screen and clicked on a monster and wanted to go back to the choose the monster screen. It got stuck the same way and landed eventually one level lower in the menu structure.
Android 10
I like to address a problem regarding a change in graphical settings since about 2 to 1 month ago. I realized that this problem exist since trying and failing to edit a proper Wooloid artwork out of an ingame screenshot. So 1+ but not more than 2â3 month ago this change was made.
This image shows the problem well.
The left side is an ingame screenshot from April 2024 (old graphic settings).
The right side was done today for the comparison on the exact same smartphone.
The problem is probably that the games graphics are not having either bilinear filter or no antialiasing anymore. This is just my guess. And I donât really know if this applies to all or just some devices. But definitely to mine, Android 10, Samsung SMA929F/DS. My device didnât have any update. Other games on my device are not affected, so I see the problem within the Neo Monsters settings.
I like to know what causes this change and how to revert it, or how to adjust the settings to be usable again.
Now that you mention it, I will be part of this topic. I had also noticed it a few months ago but Iâm too lazy to post it, I didnât give it much importance and I just kept playing like that. Itâs not now, itâs a few months ago, after a certain update that I donât remember what it was, but the monsters no longer had the same quality as before. I noticed it with all the monsters I have. I changed the game and graphics settings and it doesnât solve it, itâs still the same. Here is an example with Bryn
For me it happened only after the latest update
An update has been released to address the unusual shading/tearing issue on the start screen. We are still investigating the pixelated icon problem.
Please let us know if this update resolves the shading issue on your start screen and whether the pixelated monster icons have improved or worsened.
Thank you!
For me itâs mostly fixed. I have a Oneplus 9 device with Android 14.
Thereâs still an issue though, you can see it on the left side. @Dev_VKC
ă»Shadow problem
A little better than before, but not completely gone.
ă»Pixel problem
Still the same.
Thank you for tyhe feedback guys.
@Exu I am sure you have updated but in case can you check your Neomon version on the Google play?
Tap " About this game" and see if the version is 2.50.5
Thank you!
Is there a compensation for this like 40 gems or something? Cuz it was very annoying
Yeah, it is 2.50.5
Update v2.50.7 has been released on Google Play store. It should fix most of the shading and pixelation issues. Please let us know if it resolves your problem.
We have also noticed that some monster icons appear a bit blurry. Please let us know how your icons look.
The iOS update will be released as soon as itâs approved by Apple.
iOS update has released.
It may take a couple of minutes to appear in your App store.
Shading and in-battle star appearances have been improved. Pixelation has been improved but some icons are blurry
Thank you for the feedback!
Do you mind sending us some screenshots of these blurry monster icons?
This update solved all the issues for me, thanks devs!
I will gladly approve it
I couldnât show it in detail because it was cropped, but I hope you notice.
The one on the left is blurry, the one on the right is smooth @Dev_VKC