Update 2.44 has released

offtopic but i do like how majorie finally has something going for her,and it’s scary,next up we have vixian

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Thank God i can refund that ugly thing, don’t know why i bought it

It looks amazing though :scream:

Maple get greatest nerf in Neo history. 4 skill and 2 passive get nerfed ,and stats?:sweat_smile:

Rip Little dragon ,u was my strongest SE :smiling_face:



all they needed to do was make it’s sleep 80 TU

@PurpleHeart is probably the happiest person rn.
Megalo , scarleguard , azida buff cool passive.


Now anything can one shot her like azida,scarleguard,cyclozar,unicera etc. + her kb got nerfed and you guys still crying for her nerf. Shame on these all people.

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No more huske and exo for me either,…WTF

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Overall good update
Im probably the only 1 happy with katmander nerf
Charyb got a lot of indirect nerfs , i would still choose a speed nerf on her tho
Finally old legendarys got some love and im expecting some others will get buffs next update
Fingers crossed




another plus on the update,im really happy soulstealer got buffed,sleep immunity + despairing wave is so good for him

This is a really lousy update.
They didn’t fix anything at Giehretus: the balance is what makes it OP, not the catapult. it’s still toxic to deal with.

katt? Why ? Who had the good idea to do this? Now the options to get rid of Nyx are limited, with this nerf he is no longer coherent against Nova aoe which I remind you can hurt a lot if you can’t manage it correctly with the fl.

husky? Why ? So you have to sacrifice an ally at 80tu just for 10 seconds of intimidation? without forgetting that there are meters everywhere. So my first nerf was not enough, I still had to make it weaker so I just had to improve the awake form. :person_facepalming:

vd delta: it had already been nerfed. This one was useless. even if it doesn’t have much impact.

the game gets worse and worse with each new update, with each new monster released. For a monster to be effective, it must now have improved stats? :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Think you have to go read again

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Husky was already on its last leg and now even that is gone why did this even happen

And what did katt even do

It just seems like they nerfted old mons to make new mons look powerful


Majorie buff finally :eyes:


I definitely misunderstood him. What does that mean then?

At this time, plume is a normal protector, so what is the advantage of plume? I have spent thousands of gems on him, and he is used for the only reason you have nerfed him, he is a mythical, he has to differentiate himself in some way from the other monsters, now he has less probability of blocking attacks than any protector, also he does not It has to maintain territory, we can say that shieldragon (a super epic) is much better than plume, and it is a monster that is obtained in events, so why have I been spending gems on a mythical? thousands of hours and money to make a super epic better than a mythical one? In my opinion this change has been disastrous and since it is mythical it should have “some advantage” over the others because then why do I spend money on gems? I won’t do it again, I just have to wait for a super epic obtained in an event to improve a mythical one, I don’t have to spend any more gems @Dev_VKC