Stuck in loading screen?

Is anyone else getting stuck in a loading screen as soon as they open up the game? Is there a solution to this problem?

Is anyone else getting stuck in a loading screen as soon as they open up the game? Is there a solution to this problem?

Yea delete the game & dont play it til they fix the crappy game they released

That’s not very helpful but thanks.

They’re having issues today, wait a while and see if it’s better

as they put a popup in game about, they are aware of the recent issues with connecting, and compensations for everyone will be sent out in game.

Okay thanks for the help! I’ll try again later. This has been an issue for me for about 3 days.

If you delete it , you will lose your data as there is no iCloud save , so best if you keep for now . If it’s not fixed then that sucks . If you bought gems and can’t open it then that double sucks

 hi, could you send us a message on our facebook page? We should be able to help.