Rewards Error

I been playing up last night and farm some gems by playing the event and others. I am about to claim my rewards today but I can’t access it. Even the online section

So I try to uninstall it and input my restore code but it becomes worse.

Calling for help to access my account again.

Bad network connection I guess

I tried connecting to a better network and it still doesn’t work honestly

Did you download the game from playstore/appstore?

Yah but I am dealing with my new account. I forgot to get the restore code of my old. Haven’t played for 2 years. Thisis the time that I played again.

It takes 24 hours to collect the rewards again not just a change in date.

No, not the login rewards rather the prizes in the events

We are currently having some issues with server connections. We are looking into it.

Oh, okay. I appreciate the response.